Entertainment Promotions
The main responsibility of Sports Betting promotions is to help make your setup complete. Promoters are the people in charge of coordinating , legalizing and setting up the event correctly for its size. We work with the state , or in some cases, directly with your company executives . We advise tracks and sports venues on how to arrange for sports betting events to take place . Promoters then are in charge of making sure the word gets out about that opportunity taking place. . In perspective , it is the promoter’s job to make sure everything goes successful without any issues . Note that this kind of event promoter is different from any other because of the strict rules by government officials that MUST be complied with .
Jobs we do as a Event Promoter
If we are not tied to a specific event , we should:
- Validate laws with the state and executives and confirm dates for the event
- Negotiate a deal with the owner/owners for the events – what fees will be paid to the promoter and state?
- Determine the equipment to be used and professional training
- Promote the upcoming event to the local press and radio
- Make sure everything the sports betting process needs is in place – the correct equipment , the finances, the training ,etc.
- Set up equipment , help with security booths , security and the running order of the event
- Arrange feedback from consumer experience
What we charge
The pay for event promotions varies and depends on several factors, including:
The deal made with the event owner/owners and possibly with the state
- How large the event is and with whom the promoter is working . The equipment that is set up and maintained or sold straight out.
Promotions Need a Contract
When you are dealing with large sums of money, a contract is always a must. However a few odd Sports Betting promoters and owners who incorrectly budget finances on an event have come short of their obligations . With Drachenberg Productions you have one of the largest and safest experiences which is demanded by our business partners around the world .It is required for the owner/owners and promoter to have a contract that clearly states things like whether or not the promoter will provide complete set up, who is taking care of the backline, when the training begins , how long the daily event will be and more
Call us at 336-971-4832 or send your event and location , dates and time for us to call you to admin@drachenbergproductions.com Attn: Entertainment Promotions Dept
We will contact you to acknowledge received and reviewing . Thank you , we look forward to your success